For exclusive use, for the Kildare Hotel Spa & Golf Club to use the highlighted images below for:-
Media use: Ambient, Billboards, Brochures, Magazine ads, Newspaper ads, Point of sale, Television, Poster, Press, Direct Mail, Worldwide web & promotional emails.
Period of use: 10+ years (unlimited years).
Territory of use: Worldwide.
Licence No. 20150911-00016933.

Terms & Conditions.

To download one of these image files, click on the image you require, wait for the full size file to open and then save / download it to your computer's desktop.




For exclusive use, for the Kildare Hotel Spa & Golf Club to use the highlighted images below for:-
Media use: Ambient, Billboards, Brochures, Magazine ads, Newspaper ads, Point of sale, Television, Poster, Press, Direct Mail, Worldwide web & promotional emails.
Period of use: 10+ years (unlimited years).
Territory of use: Worldwide.
Licence No. 20160803-00017024.

Terms & Conditions.

To download one of these image files, click on the image you require, wait for the full size file to open and then save / download it to your computer's desktop.




For exclusive use, for the Kildare Hotel Spa & Golf Club to use the highlighted images below for:-
Media use: Ambient, Billboards, Brochures, Magazine ads, Newspaper ads, Point of sale, Television, Poster, Press, Direct Mail, Worldwide web & promotional emails.
Period of use: 10+ years (unlimited years).
Territory of use: Worldwide.
Licence No. 20161201-00017046.

Terms & Conditions.

To download one of these image files, click on the image you require, wait for the full size file to open and then save / download it to your computer's desktop.



For exclusive use, for the Kildare Hotel Spa & Golf Club to use the highlighted images below for:-
Media use: Ambient, Billboards, Brochures, Magazine ads, Newspaper ads, Point of sale, Television, Poster, Press, Direct Mail, Worldwide web & promotional emails.
Period of use: 10+ years (unlimited years).
Territory of use: Worldwide.
Licence No. 20170508-00017075.

Terms & Conditions.

To download one of these image files, click on the image you require, wait for the full size file to open and then save / download it to your computer's desktop.